Hachikian Voices Moral Outrage over Administration’s Complicity in Turkey's Genocide Denials
Mar 8, 2010
WHAT: House Foreign Affairs Committee Markup of the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.252) WHEN: THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 2010 beginning at 10:00am WHERE: Rayburn House Office Building 2172 MEDIA AVAIL
Mar 4, 2010
Panel Approves Measure Despite Last-Minute White House Opposition
Mar 4, 2010
Trade Data Shows Consistent Increase in Bilateral Trade with Turkey following Armenian Genocide Recognition
Mar 3, 2010
www.anca.org/endthegagrule latest effort to promote Committee and full House passage of Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.252)
Mar 1, 2010
For the First Time in More than a Generation a Sitting Secretary of State has not Responded to Congressional Inquiries on Armenian Genocide Legislation by Expressing the Executive Branch's Opposition to its Adoption
Feb 25, 2010
https://youtu.be/0TBWBIq6nRI Los Angeles, CA –Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) members from across the Western United States are vigorously working to ensure the passage of the Armenian Genoc
Feb 18, 2010
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