WASHINGTON, DC – In his eighth and final year in office, President George W. Bush, today, again resorted to the use of evasive and euphemistic terminology to obscure the full moral, historical,
Apr 24, 2008
Sacramento, CA – A resolution commemorating the 93rd anniversary of the Armenia
Apr 23, 2008
Azerbaijani “War Drums are Beating” Warns NJ Legislator during U.S. Helsinki Commission Hearing on Armenia
Apr 18, 2008
New York, NY- In commemoration of the 93rd Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Armenian National Committee of America chapters throughout the Eastern Region are preparing for their commemorat
Apr 18, 2008
Pulitzer Prize Winner Samantha Power to receive ANCA ER Freedom Award
Apr 18, 2008
Los Angeles, CA – The Armenian National Committee of America - Western
Apr 18, 2008
Los Angeles, CA - As a participant in the Armenian National Commi
Apr 17, 2008
Washington, D.C. - On April 2, 2008, Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey and Congresswoman Barbara Lee paid tribute on the House floor in memory of Armenian Genocide survivor Hayganoush Markarian who pa
Apr 17, 2008
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