Visiting U.S. Official Describes Desecration of 1300 year old burial grounds as a "Tragedy;" Calls on the Guilty to be Punished
Mar 8, 2006
National Chairman Asks Secretary to Confirm or Deny that the U.S. Ambassador is being Punished for his Acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide
Mar 8, 2006
Co-Sponsors include New York Society for Ethical Culture, Nation Institute and students groups at Harvard and MIT
Mar 4, 2006
Expresses Support for Protesters Marching from the Turkish to the Azerbaijani Embassies to Oppose the Anti-Armenian Policies of these Two Governments
Feb 28, 2006
PBS Co-Chief Program Executive Defends Decision to Provide Air-Time to Genocide Deniers
Feb 27, 2006
Reps. Radanovich, Pallone, and Knollenberg Join Effort to Enlist the Support of their U.S. House Colleagues
Feb 23, 2006
Joins LA Mayor and Ethnic Leaders in Commemorating Human Relations Commission’s 40th Anniversary
Feb 18, 2006
Several Other Legislators Submit Written Questions on Armenian Issues during Her Week-long Series of Hearings on Capitol Hill
Feb 16, 2006
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