“The time has come, Mr. President, for our government to end all forms of complicity in Turkey’s morally bankrupt campaign of genocide denial.” -- ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian
May 4, 2005
Armenian Americans Expand Activity Across the Lone Star State
May 3, 2005
WASHINGTON, DC – Over forty Senators and Representatives joined Armenians around the world this week in commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, during "Special Order" remar
Apr 29, 2005
“There must be recognition, there must be restitution, there must be reparations for the Armenian Genocide.” -- Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
Apr 27, 2005
ANCA Welcomes Proclamation by Gov. Sebelius
Apr 27, 2005
WASHINGTON, DC – Ignoring calls from a record two hundred and ten U.S. legislators, President Bush failed, once again, to honor his pledge to properly characterize the Armenian Genocide as a "genocide
Apr 24, 2005
Record Level of Support for Congressional Letter Sends Strong Message to White House
Apr 21, 2005
-- Gov. Schwarzenegger signs Poochigian’s SB 424 into law
-- Sen. Jackie Speier delivers SJR 2 to a rally of nearly 2000
Apr 21, 2005
Major Texas City Joins Growing Lone Star State Movement toward Armenian Genocide Recognition
Apr 20, 2005
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