U.S. House Gave Final Approval Last Week to Extending Permanent Normal Trade Relations Status to Armenia
Oct 12, 2004
Leading Advisor to Kerry-Edwards Campaign Welcomes Dialogue with Ethnic Leadership
Oct 12, 2004
Seventy-two U.S. Representatives Call on President Bush to Condemn Baku's Increasingly Violent Rhetoric
Oct 12, 2004
Reinforces Strong Record on Armenian Issues; Stresses Sharp Differences with President Bush
Oct 12, 2004
Approves Provision Extending Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) Status to Armenia
Oct 11, 2004
Record Armenian American Turnout Expected on November 2nd
Oct 6, 2004
WASHINGTON, DC - Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ) this week called upon Secretary of State Colin Powell to formally protest Turkey's adoption of a new penal code t
Oct 6, 2004
Urges Adoption of Provision as Part of Larger Trade Measure
Oct 5, 2004
Responses to 2004 Candidate Questionnaires Reveal Strong Support for PNTR for Armenia
Oct 5, 2004
Members of Congress Urge House Speaker to Schedule Genocide Resolution and Maintain Schiff Amendment in Foreign Ops Bill
Oct 1, 2004
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