Congressional Armenian Caucus letter Calls for Overhaul of Section 907 Waiver Process; Immediate Termination of All U.S. Military or Security Aid to Azerbaijan
May 13, 2021
Administration Letter Unresponsive to Six Bipartisan Congressional Policy Priorities
May 12, 2021
Seeks $500,000 Funding for State Department to Research and Report on Turkey’s Role in Azerbaijan’s Attack on Artsakh
May 6, 2021
Suspension of Section 907 Runs Counter to Campaign Statements and Recent Armenian Genocide Recognition
Apr 30, 2021
ANCA Welcomes Congressional Armenian Caucus Efforts to “directly aid the Armenian people of Nagorno Karabakh to recover and rebuild from the devastating fall 2020 war”
Apr 27, 2021
ANCA Presses for U.S. Policy Pivot Challenging Turkish and Azerbaijani Aggression, Promoting Armenian Security, and Advancing Regional Peace Based upon a Just Resolution of the Armenian Genocide
Apr 24, 2021
WASHINGTON, DC – Following up on media reports that President Joe Biden is set to accurately and honestly condemn and commemorate the Armenian Genocide this April 24th, the internatio
Apr 22, 2021
Join with 38 Senators in Urging White House to Reject Turkey’s Gag-Rule against Honest American Remembrance of this Crime
Apr 21, 2021
Washington, DC – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) has rallied Armenian Americans from all 50 states to send over 1,000,000 messages to the White House and Congress ov
Apr 15, 2021
ANCA launches action platform encouraging U.S. House Members to cosign the FY2022 Armenian Caucus Foreign Aid Letter
Apr 1, 2021
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