Montana Republican Becomes 40th Senate Supporter of Human Rights Measure
Aug 3, 2004
BUTTE, MT--Just months after Montana joined the growing list of states that officially acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, ANCA-WR Executive Director Ardashes Kassakhian went to Montana for a me
Jul 31, 2004
Cites Senator Kerry's Long Record of Support on Armenian American Issues, President Bush's Retreat from his Pledge to Recognize the Armenian Genocide
Jul 25, 2004
Armenian-Americans Activists Criticize Congressional Leaders for Capitulating to a Foreign Government
Jul 22, 2004
Speaker, Majority Leader and Majority Whip Seek to Reverse Legislation Barring Turkey from using U.S. Foreign Aid to Lobby Against the Genocide Resolution
Jul 16, 2004
Amendment to Foreign Operations Bill Prohibits Turkey from using U.S. Foreign Aid to Lobby Against the Genocide Resolution
Jul 15, 2004
Armenia/Azerbaijan U.S. Military Aid Parity Maintained; Bill Allocates $65 million in Economic Assistance for Armenia; $5 Million for Nagorno Karabagh
Jul 9, 2004
WASHINGTON, DC--Community activists from the Armenian National Committee of America's (ANCA) national headquarters, regional offices, and local chapters participated this week in conference cal
Jul 9, 2004
ANCA and AHI Send Letter to the White House Following the President's Istanbul Speech Praising Turkey's Treatment of Minorities
Jul 9, 2004
Republican Leaders Block Bills Honoring Genocide Convention Backed By the Late President Ronald Reagan
Jul 9, 2004
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