WASHINGTON, DC—The Republic of Armenia has offered a de-mining platoon and medical officers to assist in the U.S.-led post-war operations in Iraq, as well as assigning a liaison officer to the U.S. Ce
Aug 18, 2003
WASHINGTON, DC—The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), the highly regarded Quaker public interest lobby, today joined the growing coalition of over ninety religious, educational, ethnic,
Aug 14, 2003
Confidential Agency Studies Acknowledge Nagorno Karabagh as "Armenia's Cultural and Religious Center"
Aug 12, 2003
MALDEF is the Nation's Leading Nonprofit Latino Litigation, Advocacy and Educational Outreach Organization
Aug 7, 2003
Secretary Powell Raised Turkish Blockade of Armenia during Meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister
Aug 5, 2003
ANCA Welcomes Diverse Support for Legislation from African-American, Jewish, Albanian, Russian, Slovenian, and Japanese Groups
Aug 5, 2003
Turkish Embassy Defends Decision; Responds with Standard Denial
Aug 1, 2003
Montebello, CA - Local ANC activist Maro Siranosian met with Representatives Grace Napolitano of California’s 38th District on July 24th to discuss issues of importance to the Armenian Communit
Jul 31, 2003
Three Additions Bring Total Number of Supporters to Thirty-Four
Jul 28, 2003
Resolution Introduced by Reps. Knollenberg and Pallone Continues to Generate Bipartisan Support
Jul 25, 2003
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