WATERTOWN, MA — Representative Robert Simmons (R-CT 2nd) today became the newest member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues reported the Armenian National Committee of America Eastern Regio
Sep 3, 2002
73 - 4 Vote Is a Display of Bill's Strong Bi-Partisan Support In the Legislature
Aug 28, 2002
Describes Legislation as "an Important Statement of Congress's Enduring Support for the Genocide Convention
Aug 28, 2002
-- Publication Presents a Comprehensive Picture of the Systematic and Systemic Nature of Human Rights Violations in Turkey During the 20th Century
Aug 20, 2002
Judge Keosian and Judge Sinanian Acknowledged At Sold Out Event
Aug 20, 2002
Armenian Genocide Played Central Role in the Debate Over the 1986 U.S. Ratification and 1988 Implentation of Genocide Convention
Aug 19, 2002
Describes Senate Legislation as "Best Approach at this Time"
Aug 17, 2002
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - The Bay Area Armenian National Committee hosted a reception for California State Assembly candidate from Fresno, Steve Samuelian at the Hillsborough home of Mr. and Mrs. Gar
Aug 8, 2002
High School and University Students Learn About Journalism and Advocacy Through Internship Workshops
Jul 31, 2002
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