Governor Gray Davis Appoints Dedicated Community Member to Los Angeles County Superior Court
May 23, 2002
New School University’s Academic Integrity Clouded as it bestows Honorary Degree upon Court Adjudged Armenian Genocide Denier
May 22, 2002
Northern California Congressman, a Holocaust Survivor, Has Taken a Leading Role in Denying the First Genocide of the 20th Century
May 21, 2002
LOS ANGELES, CA - The Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region has launched a major Genocide Education Drive. The effort is focused on educating prominent American journalists, n
May 21, 2002
Genocide Survivor Malvine Handjian Urges Community to Never Forget 1915
May 13, 2002
Reps. Morella, Pallone, Schiff, Visclosky and Kirk Speak out on U.S. Aid to Armenia & Nagorno Karabagh
May 10, 2002
WASHINGTON, DC – A bipartisan group of 60 legislators have joined Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Rep. Connie Morella (R-MD) in co-signing a letter calling for "
May 9, 2002
ANCA-WR Testifies in Support of Senator Jack Scott's Bill SB 1657
Apr 30, 2002
WASHINGTON, DC - Despite having heard in recent weeks from over 162 U.S. Representatives who had urged him to recognize the Armenian Genocide as a "genocide," George W. Bush today, in his secon
Apr 24, 2002
Join with over 300 Armenian Americans from throughout the United States
Apr 24, 2002
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