LOS ANGELES, CA - The Board of Directors of the ANCA-WR has awarded its monthly "Student Hai-Tahd" award to Edwin Isagholian, a junior at Ferrahian High School. Isagholian is being honored for
Mar 28, 2002
LOS ANGELES, CA --Samantha Power, the author of a new book on 20th century genocides, will be the honored guest at a book signing event to be held at Borders Books in Glendale on April 28th. Po
Mar 27, 2002
ANCA-WR Commends Assemblymembers Koretz and Wyland on Introduction of Genocide and Holocaust Education Bill
Mar 27, 2002
WATERTOWN, MA — Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), John Ensign (R-NV), and Carl Levin (D-MI) and Representatives Rod R. Blagojevich (D-IL 5), Gary A. Condit (D-CA 18), Joseph Crowle
Mar 22, 2002
Genocide survivor portraits to be displayed in the Russell Senate Office Building Rotunda during ANCA Capitol Hill Observance
Mar 13, 2002
Urges Budget Committee to Approve at Least $25.5 Billion for FY 2003
Mar 11, 2002
Call on President Bush to Honor his Pledge to Properly Recognize the Armenian Genocide
Mar 8, 2002
FULLERTON, CA -- As part of the ongoing Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region 2002 Congressional Outreach Campaign, members of the ANC-Orange County Chapter, accompanied by AN
Mar 8, 2002
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