Rep. Sherman Defends Section 907, Rep. Crowley Criticizes Exclusion of Armenia from Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline Project
Oct 10, 2001
Section 907 and Azerbaijani Links to Al Qaeda Network Among Key Issues on Agenda; Armenian President Warns of Regional Implications of Weakening or Repeal of Section 907
Oct 9, 2001
Introduces Legislation that would Broaden the President's Authority to Waive this Provision of the Law
Oct 9, 2001
WATERTOWN, MA — Alabama Governor Don Siegelman on October 3 retracted an August 8 proclamation regarding Turkey, as well as a subsequent August 28 revised proclamation, due to historical inaccuracies.
Oct 3, 2001
Praises Azerbaijan for "Stabilizing" Region; Applauds Aliyev for doing "Whatever it Takes" in the War on Terrorism
Oct 3, 2001
"Armenia is a victim of, not a base for terrorist activity." -- Marcy McGinnis, Senior Vice President of CBS News Coverage Correction Follows Nationwide ANCA Media Campaign
Oct 2, 2001
Congressional Armenian Caucus Asks Secretary of State to Maintain Restrictions on U.S. Aid to Azerbaijan
Oct 1, 2001
ANCA Welcomes Statement Made During Pontiff’s Visit to Armenia
Sep 27, 2001
Armenian Americans Urged to Report Hate Crimes, Hate Incidents
Sep 26, 2001
“The U.S. can count on Armenia’s complete solidarity and concrete cooperation in the long term campaign to fight the evil of terrorism.” -- Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian
Sep 24, 2001
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