WASHINGTON, DC - The ANCA welcomed confirmation, shared today with the ANCA by the State Department, that the global U.S. COVID-19 emergency aid package - which will provide $274 mill
Mar 27, 2020
NOTE TO THE EDITOR: Following please find a letter from Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Chairman Raffi Hamparian to U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Lynne Tracy urging that th
Mar 25, 2020
Bipartisan Letter Backs $100 Million FY21 Aid Package for Artsakh and Armenia
Mar 11, 2020
New Dates for Armenian American Career Development and Civic Engagement Program to be Announced Soon
Mar 10, 2020
-- ANCA Welcomes Congressional ‘Dear Colleague’ Letter Outlining FY2021 Aid Priorities including Artsakh Demining and Rehabilitation Assistance
Feb 28, 2020
Rep. Chu: “If we are sincere in our commitment to peace, then we must support this request of $10 million, which will allow HALO to finish their work and remove the landmines and UXO that daily threaten the lives of civilians in Nagorno-Karabakh.”
Feb 28, 2020
Latest Policy Document Spotlighted as Global Advocacy Conference Kicks-Off in Armenia and Artsakh
Feb 24, 2020
-- $100 Million in U.S. Military Aid to Azerbaijan Adds Capacity for Renewed Aggression against Artsakh and Armenia
Feb 20, 2020
-- Author, Rights Advocate, Refugee Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte Calls for Justice for Baku Attacks
Feb 12, 2020
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