Encourages Greater Civic Engagement and Closer Coalition Ties to Advance Shared Priorities
Feb 12, 2020
Leo Sarkisian Summer Internship and Maral Melkonian Avetisyan Fellowship Application Deadlines March 30, 2020
Feb 12, 2020
Spring 2020 Application Deadline: February 20th for Unique Policy, Politics, and Media Washington DC Job Placement Program
Jan 28, 2020
“Tragically, the Azerbaijani government's approach toward the Armenian people has changed little since the pogroms were initiated. We still hear the same violent rhetoric and witness intimidation tactics aimed at the people of the Republic of Artsakh.” -- Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone
Jan 28, 2020
WASHINGTON, DC -- The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) welcomes U.S. House passage of H.R.943, the Never Again Education Act, a measure that – if passed by the Senate and
Jan 28, 2020
Armenian University Students: Visit anca.org/RisingLeaders to sign up for 3-Day Interactive Career Development and Civic Engagement Program; Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Jan 15, 2020
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senate and House members are encouraged to condemn ongoing Azerbaijani aggression against Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) as the world commemorates the 30
Jan 14, 2020
ANCA-Backed Bipartisan Measure (S.Res.150) Completes Congressional Over-Ride of Ankara’s Longstanding Veto, Increasing Pressure on the White House
Dec 12, 2019
Over Administration Objections, Panel Approves Bipartisan Sanctions in an 18 to 4 Vote, Clearing the Way for Full Senate Consideration
Dec 11, 2019
Senators Menendez and Cruz continue pressing for passage of S.Res.150; Senator Kevin Cramer Blocks “Unanimous Consent” Request

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer Reiterates Support for Passage of Armenian Genocide Resolution
Dec 5, 2019
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