Biden: “I am proud today to support the resolutions now before the House and Senate to officially recognize and establish an ongoing U.S. commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.”
Sep 21, 2019
Democratic Presidential Frontrunner Stakes out Position in a Letter to the ANCA
Sep 20, 2019
Reps. Pallone, Speier, and Schiff will Help Reconcile House and Senate Versions of Major Defense Bill
Sep 18, 2019
National, Regional, and State Level ANCA Leadership Take Part in Capitol Hill Meeting on Armenian American Policy Priorities
Sep 18, 2019
New Online Tool Enables Real-time Tracking of Legislative Records
Sep 18, 2019
During Washington, DC Discussions ANCA Advances Policy Priorities: Countering Azerbaijani Aggression, Replacing the Madrid Principles, Implementing Royce-Engel Peace Proposals
Sep 16, 2019
-- Two-Day National Leadership Conference Features High-Level Congressional and White House Consultations

-- Archbishop Tanielian Leads Prayer for Peace at 6th Annual Solidarity Dinner; Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Gus Bilirakis and Jackie Speier among 2019 IDC Champions
Sep 13, 2019
Launches Grassroots Letter Campaign at to Address Key Pro-Armenian Appropriations and Defense Measures on the Docket This Week
Sep 11, 2019
Sixth Annual Solidarity Dinner and Advocacy Day for Middle East Religious Minorities will Urge Passage of Armenian Genocide Resolution
Aug 29, 2019
From Marathon Capitol Hill Advocacy and Deep Policy Dives to Career Development Opportunities, Youth Leaders Remember an Unforgettable Eight Weeks in the Nation’s Capital
Aug 21, 2019
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