Your LAX2EVN.ORG survey response will let airlines know the time has come for non-stop flights from Los Angeles to Yerevan
May 3, 2019
Annual Commemorative Statement again Fails to Properly Characterize Armenian Genocide
Apr 24, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC -- Washington, DC-based allies of Turkish President Erdogan are doubling down on his May, 2017, attack at Sheridan Circle, attempting, once again, to prevent Americans
Apr 22, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Executive Director Aram Hamparian offered the following comment regarding this week’s U.S. House Democracy Partnersh
Apr 16, 2019
Senate Foreign Relations Committee members reiterate threats to impose sanctions, block F-35 sale if Erdogan completes Russian S-400 missile purchase
Apr 15, 2019
ANCA Chairman advances 360-degree community priorities during two-days of meetings in nation’s capital
Apr 12, 2019
ANCA Backs Bipartisan House and Senate Measures Targeting Turkey’s Denial
Apr 10, 2019
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer among 16 original cosponsors of companion measure to House Armenian Genocide Resolution
Apr 10, 2019
Representatives Schiff and Bilirakis joined by over 70 U.S. House Colleagues in Launching New ANCA-Backed Bipartisan Resolution
Apr 8, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC – Thirty-five U.S. Representatives today joined with Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ) in calling upon Chairwoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) and Rankin
Mar 27, 2019
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