“We appreciate your idea of a new Millennium Challenge Corporation compact focused on STEAM education for Armenia.” – Secretary of State Pompeo
May 22, 2018
ANCA Welcomes House Appropriations Subcommittee Testimony by Congressional Armenian Caucus Leaders
May 16, 2018
Pro-Transparency Accord Would Break Down Barrier to Bilateral Trade and Investment
May 11, 2018
Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Urges Committee Colleagues to Apply Lessons of Armenian Genocide in Preventing New Atrocities
May 9, 2018
ANCA Promoting Expansion of Bilateral Political, Economic, and Military Ties
May 8, 2018
Mayor Mark J. Sokolich Presents Proclamation to Wounded Artsakh Soldier
Apr 30, 2018
Annual Commemorative Statement Fails to Properly Characterize Armenian Genocide
Apr 24, 2018
WASHINGTON, DC -- The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) issued the following statement regarding the peaceful transition of power in the Republic of Armenia earlier today.
Apr 23, 2018
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