Artsakh De-Mining and Public Health Advanced during Administration and Congressional Meetings on FY19 Foreign Aid Priorities
Apr 20, 2018
ANCA Led Nationwide Grassroots Letter and Calling Campaign in Support of Bipartisan Congressional Armenian Caucus Initiative
Apr 20, 2018
Lead Author Rep. Dave Trott Announces his Personal Request to Speaker Ryan to Allow Vote on H.Res.220
Apr 19, 2018
Congressional Testimony Prioritizes U.S.-Armenia Economic and Military Partnership
Apr 12, 2018
WASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), as part of its continuing efforts to strengthen ties with Members of Congress working to safeguard Christians and o
Apr 11, 2018
Students Send Petition to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Calling for Strong U.S. Leadership Transforming Armenia into the Silicon Valley of the Caucasus
Apr 5, 2018
Court Rubber Stamps Plea Agreement Despite Powerful Statements by Armenian Legal Center and Victims of the Attack
Apr 5, 2018
Salute Senator’s Bold Leadership on Armenian Genocide Reaffirmation, Artsakh Freedom, Stronger U.S.-Armenia Ties
Apr 4, 2018
President Sahakyan Led Artsakh Delegation on a First-ever Weeklong Series of Policy and Political Meetings in Nation’s Capital
Mar 17, 2018
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