WASHINGTON, DC – On Wednesday, July 19th, Members of the U.S. Congress will join victims of the May 16th attack on peaceful protesters to take a "Stand for Free Speech" at Sheridan Ci
Jul 19, 2017
Over the last two weeks, we had the opportunity to meet with a variety of public officials to discuss pertinent issues to the Armenian-American community, and also to s
Jul 16, 2017
Amendment Offered by Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Approved Today as Part of Defense Authorization
Jul 15, 2017
Bipartisan "Stand for Free Speech" will take place on Wednesday, July 19th at 8:30am
Jul 13, 2017
“We need to block this arms sale and once and for all point a finger in Erdogan’s chest and tell him that a strategic location does not place Turkey above the law.” – Rep. Dave Trott (R-MI)
Jul 12, 2017
LAGUNA NIGUEL, CALIF. (JULY 5, 2017) – The Orange County chapter of the Armenian National Committee of America met with Sen. Pat Bates, R-Laguna Niguel as part o
Jul 11, 2017
House Rules Committee Set to Consider Multiple Amendments Imposing Sanctions over Turkey's May 16th Attacks on Peaceful Protesters
Jul 7, 2017
Cosponsors Bipartisan Armenian Genocide Resolution (S.Res.136)
Jul 2, 2017
WASHINGTON, DC – Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) national and regional leaders explored opportunities for broader U.S.-Armenia cooperation, expanded foreign assistance,
Jul 1, 2017
Over 35 U.S. Representatives Call on State Department to Reject Deal Following May 16th Beatings by Turkish President Erdogan’s Security Detail
Jun 30, 2017
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