Campaign Features Candidate Questionnaires, Congressional Report Cards, Endorsements, and Increased Grassroots Participation
Aug 17, 2006
Argues that "the presence of Turkish troops would undermine United States’ interests in a lasting and durable peace"
Aug 11, 2006
ANCA Community Relations Director Gives Voice to Community's Concerns in Remarks at Sacramento Rally
Aug 10, 2006
Rep. Watson pledges to continue her support for the Armenian American community
Aug 4, 2006
SACRAMENTO, CA - Armenian National Committee of Sacramento representatives Ohannes and Silva Boghossian met with US Representative John Doolittle at his Granite Bay district office earlier this
Aug 4, 2006
Sen. Kerry Joins in Calling for Delay Until After August Recess
Aug 1, 2006
Gain First-Hand Insights in Working of U.S. Political System; Meet with Elected Officials, Leaders from Armenia and Karabagh
Aug 1, 2006
Crowley-Sherman-Royce Amendment Adds Provisions of Rep. Knollenberg’s South Caucasus Integration and Open Railroads Act to the Ex-IM Bank Reauthorization Act
Jul 28, 2006
Requests Copies of the State Department's "Background Papers" on the Armenian Genocide
Jul 27, 2006
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