Hundreds of candidates called upon to answer ANCA Congressional Questionnaire

July 15, 2008

New York, NY – With the 55th Presidential and 111th Congressional elections quickly approaching this November, the Armenian National Committee of America, Eastern Region (ANCA-ER) is working to promote voter registration outreach, and online and in- person education to help strengthen Armenian American voices on issues of concern to the community.

“Armenian Americans can play a powerful part in making their vote count. With regular participation in local and national elections, the strength and voice behind the Armenian cause can only continue to grow,” commented Ani Hagopian, outreach coordinator for the Armenian National Committee of America, Eastern Region.

Encompassing thirty-three states, the ANCA Eastern Region embodies a significant number of Armenian Americans and draws attention towards efforts being made to enhance the Armenian voice. Zori Eurdekian, 2008 ANCA Leo Sarkisian Intern, recently sent out ANCA congressional questionnaires to over one thousand potential congressional candidates and incumbents in hopes of establishing a strong database to demonstrate how each candidate stands on issues important to the Armenian American community. The ANCA questionnaire is a tool for activists that allow each community to help determine ANCA endorsements and support for particular races. Drawing attention to Armenian Genocide recognition, foreign aid to Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh, and the genocide in Darfur, the questionnaire responses are shared with ANCA activists and will be available through the ANCA website this coming fall.

Sources indicate the 2008 presidential and congressional elections are said to be the election in which technology will play the biggest role yet. Knowing the importance of the internet in this election, the ANCA provided opportunities on its website for people to register to vote, allow access to past meetings and events activists have had with representatives and senators, and even review Congressional “Report Cards” of their human rights and Armenian related activity over the last two years.

“First time voters will be an imperative part of this election; we want to make sure that they know they have the opportunity to learn where candidates stand on important issues and be able to have the ability to register to vote at their fingertips,” Hagopian says.

In addition to Internet accessibility, the ANCA will also have tables set up at the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) 75th Annual Senior Olympics, which takes place in Detroit, Michigan from August 30 to September 2, 2008.

Registering to vote is a privilege for every American citizen. For further information about voter registration, please visit Please note you will have to print, sign, and mail in your form.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.


For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Ani Hagopian
Email / Tel: (917) 428-1918
Armenian National Committee of America
Eastern Region
122 W 27th St, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10001
Tel. (917) 428-1918 * Email.
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