House Financial Services Committee Approves Measure by Unanimous Voice Vote
Jun 14, 2006
Glendale, CA -- ­ The Armenian National Committee of America ­ Western Region expressed it support this week for AB 1210, legislation that calls for the construction of an International Genocid
Jun 12, 2006
Armenian Community Unites in Support of Candidate
Jun 9, 2006
"The U.S. Senate cannot, in good conscience, approve the nomination of a new ambassador to Armenia until the circumstances of the current envoy's highly controversial firing are fully, officially and openly explained to Congress and the American people."
Jun 9, 2006
Two Leading Legislators Formally Ask Secretary Rice for Clarification of Ambassador's Premature Dismissal
Jun 7, 2006
Proposes $62 million for Armenia; Up to $5 million for Karabagh
May 26, 2006
Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Presses for Answers from the State Department
May 26, 2006
ANCA Calls for Senate Foreign Relations Committee to Hold Hearing on Firing
May 24, 2006
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