Peter Balakian’s New Book on American Response to the Armenian Genocide to be Released September 30th

September 6, 2003

WASHINGTON, DC– Critical acclaim for a groundbreaking booking detailing the U.S. response to the Armenian Genocide grew recently with the publication of a strong review by “Publisher’s Weekly,” reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

In their August 18th issue, the 131-year old international news magazine, viewed widely as the publication of record for the book industry, praised author Peter Balakian’s upcoming work, “The Burning Tigris”, noting that it “exposes the roots of the genocide in the total war atmosphere of WWI, which combusted in the pan-Turkish nationalism of the Young Turk government, inflamed Muslim rage against ‘infidel’ Armenian Christians, and a long-simmering Ottoman hatred of the Armenians dating to Sultan Abdul Hamid II and his slaughters in the 1890s.” The starred review cited Balakian’s extensive research, providing “firsthand testimony about the decimation of the Armenian population and their towns and culture,” while maintaining the “measured tone of a historian.”

The “Publisher’s Weekly” review follows an earlier article in the “Kirkus Review” which called Balakian’s expose of the ongoing campaign of Armenian Genocide denial “thoroughly convincing–and one more reason for the governments of the West, including the Clinton administration, to be ashamed.”

Set to be released September 30th, “The Burning Tigris” thoroughly documents the U.S. humanitarian response to the Armenian Genocide and draws special attention to the vast cast of American heroes who raised their voices against the atrocities being committed by the Ottoman Turkish government against the Armenian people. Among those whose stories are told are Clara Barton, Julia Ward Howe, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, authors Stephen Crane and Ezra Pound, and the many missionaries and diplomats who, through their tireless efforts on behalf of the Armenians, brought about the entry of the United States on the world stage as a humanitarian power. Historians and genocide scholars who have offered critical acclaim for the book include Sir Martin Gilbert, Robert Lifton and Deborah Lipstadt.

ANCA “Burning Tigris” Education Campaign Continues

Several weeks ago, the ANCA launched the “Burning Tigris” Education Campaign, a multi-faceted program to share the history of the Armenian Genocide and to celebrate the American humanitarian spirit. The program works to help 1) inform elected officials, the media and the American public about the Armenian Genocide, and; 2) ensure enough “pre-order” sales by September 30th to catapult “The Burning Tigris” onto best-sellers lists, dramatically increasing U.S. and worldwide readership.

As part of the campaign, activists are urged to:

1) Tell a Friend about “The Burning Tigris”

Pre-order a copy for yourself and a friend who is not familiar with the Armenian Genocide or the response of the United States to this crime against humanity. Simply visit or your favorite on-line bookseller.

2) Teach Elected Officials, the Media, and Libraries

Donate a copy of “The Burning Tigris” to local elected officials, media outlets, and libraries to raise awareness about the Armenian Genocide. Just visit or another major on-line bookseller to pre-order a copy.

The ANCA has already made arrangements to distribute 1,000 copies to Members of Congress and the Bush Administration, so please concentrate your efforts on the media, local and state government official, and libraries. (Please e-mail to report your book donations.)

3) Take a Friend to a Reading of “The Burning Tigris”

After the September 30th release date, author Peter Balakian will go on a 15-city book tour, personally bringing this important period of American and Armenian history to communities nationwide. Take a friend to a reading and hear the author discuss his research and findings first hand.


For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Email / Tel: (202) 775-1918
Armenian National Committee of America
888 17th Street, NW, Suite 904, Washington, DC 20006
Tel. (202) 775-1918 * Fax. (202) 775-5648 *
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