August 15, 2012

By: Erik Khzmalyan

Almost 3 months ago I applied for ANCA-WR internship.  Thankfully I got selected to be one of the interns who would spend the next 3 months with ANCA. To be honest I can’t believe that it is almost over. Finishing the internship with ANCA is not the end, it is just the beginning. There are still a lot of work that needs to be done and plenty of spots for volunteers.

The last months were full of hard work: blog writing, tweeting, writing media reports, registering people to vote at the Navasartian Games, working on the Hye Votes project, and meetings with important figures.  During my internship I was able to work with the Armenian community, gain knowledge about the Armenian cause, improve my communication skills, and make my modest contribution to our community. I would never imagine that I would meet such people as Mourad Topalian, Adam Schiff,  Anthony Portantino, and Eric Bauman in such a short period of time. It was a great honor for me to be able to write blogs and share them with so many people and hear their comments, objections or suggestions.

I feel proud that by dedicating my summer to this internship, I accomplished something important. ANCA-WR internship was another great step towards a successful future.  As  interns in ANCA I can surely say that we served as examples for our fellow young Armenians. I strongly encourage everyone to apply and do their best in order to do an internship with the organization that has a vital role in supporting our communities here and abroad.  Due to this organization Armenia has a voice in the world’s leading countries.  Due to the dedication of ANCA staff members we were able to block America’s military aid to Azerbaijan.

Thank you ANCA for this wonderful opportunity, thank you for educating us and making us even more experienced representatives of the Armenian youth.  It’s a great honor to be part of ANCA . I also want to thank my fellow interns for their dedication and hard work.  Aram Hovasapyan, Christin Feghali, Janet Shamilian, Maria Martirosyan, Shahan Goenjian, Vahe Assarian, Zara Hovasapyan: You are the best!

Leaving ANCA with great memories and looking forward to new events!


For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Elen Asatryan
Email / Tel: (818) 500-1918
Armenian National Committee of America Western Region
288 N. Belmont, Suite 200, Glendale, CA 91206 * Tel. (818) 500-1918
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