Supporters H.Res.106 Working to Tip the Balance on Capitol Hill in Favor of Justice

June 26, 2007

WASHINGTON, DC – With goal in sight of reaching 218 cosponsors – a majority of the full U.S. House of Representatives – Armenian Americans from across the country will take part on Wednesday, June 27th in a National Call-in Day for Congressional passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

Currently, the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res.106, has 211 cosponsors, more than 47% of the membership of the U.S. House. Supporters of the Resolution who are interested in participating in the Call-in campaign can learn more by visiting the ANCA website:

Based on the caller’s ZIP Code, the website will provide their Representative’s phone number and whether they are already a cosponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution. If they are already a supporter, the caller will be asked to express appreciation and urge him/her to encourage their House colleague to also cosponsor this legislation. If they are not a cosponsor, the caller will ask him/her to please cosponsor this human rights measure.

Calling a Congressional office is quick, convenient, and hassle-free.

Quick: The entire call will usually take less than three minutes; 180 seconds from start to finish.

Convenient: Calls can be made from home, at work, on vacation, while shopping, or from the road.

Hassle-Free: Congressional offices handle hundreds of constituent calls every week and are very polite and professional in welcoming your feedback.

In most cases (over 80% of the time), a caller will only have the opportunity to speak to a receptionist, who will take down a brief message. In some instances (about 15% of the time), the receptionist will transfer the caller to the voicemail box of a legislative aide. On rare occasion (less than 5% of the time), the caller will be transferred directly to the assistant handling foreign affairs.

Among the facts and arguments that callers are encouraged to consider presenting are the following:

Legislative Facts:

* H.Res.106 has 211 cosponsors, over 47% of the entire U.S. House.

* An identical resolution in the last session of Congress was overwhelmingly adopted in the International Relations Committee by a vote of 40 to 7.

* Forty U.S. states have recognized the Armenian Genocide.


* H.Res.106 respects American values: As a matter of American morality, the U.S. government should recognize and condemn all genocides – past and present.

* H.Res.106 recognizes the truth: The U.S. should not allow Turkey to use threats and blackmail to block the commemoration of a crime against humanity.

* H.Res.106 honors U.S. history: By recognizing the Armenian Genocide, we honor, as a proud chapter in American history, the U.S. diplomatic protests and relief efforts for the survivors of the Genocide.

* H.Res.106 promotes regional stability: By coming to terms with the Armenian Genocide, Turkey can lower regional tensions and open the door to improved relations with Armenia.

* H.Res.106 helps prevent future genocides: Turkey’s denial of the Armenian Genocide sets a dangerous precedent that makes future genocides more likely.

* H.Res.106 protects Armenia: Armenia cannot be safe as long as Turkey remains an unrepentant perpetrator of genocide against the Armenian nation.

* H.Res.106 encourages democracy: Turkey’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide would represent a step toward its acceptance into the European family of nations.


For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Email / Tel: (202) 775-1918 / (703) 585-8254 cell
Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918 * Fax. (202) 775-5648 *
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