April 11, 2007

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden (D-DE) with DE State Rep. John Kowalko (D-25th Dist.)width=Dover, DE- With overwhelming support in the Delaware 144th General Assembly, a resolution proclaiming April 24 as a day of remembrance of the Armenian Genocide passed with a voice vote during the final hours prior to spring recess in the Delaware House of Representatives, reported the Armenian National Committee of America, Eastern Region.

The resolution was introduced by junior State Representative, John A. Kowalko (D-25), and faced no opposition when it was brought for a vote by the General Assembly on Thursday, April 5, 2007. Similar legislation was passed in the Delaware Senate in 1995, making Delaware one of 38 States that recognize the Armenian Genocide. Both the United States House of Representatives and the Senate are working to pass H.Res 106/S. Res 106 respectively in recognition of the Armenian Genocide. A copy of the Delaware resolution will be sent to Congressman Mike Castle, (R-AL), as well as Senator Joe Biden (D) and Thomas Carper (D).

Mike Kalajian, an Armenian activist led the efforts on this campaign. Working with his State Representative, Kowalko, he also contacted the ANCA to join forces on this important issue. After passage of the legislation, Kalajian commented, “My grandparents survived the Genocide and escaped from Turkey to America. Now, with so much violence in the Middle East, and with the Genocide in Darfur being reflective of the turmoil that resulted in the Armenian Genocide, I felt it important that everyone remembers the result of ignoring these events, and nothing shows this more than the Forgotten Genocide. A call to state Representative John Kowalko seemed like a great start.”

Kowalko, enthusiastic about the resolution, stated:

“It was my privilege to honor your request that the Delaware General Assembly proclaim April 24 as a day of remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. On Thursday April 5th 2007 the Delaware House of Representatives unanimously passed House Resolution No. 14 proclaiming the 24th as a day of remembrance and enumerating some of the horrors perpetuated on the Armenian people.

I was particularly honored to present this resolution since it will officially record and acknowledge a moment in the history of mankind when man’s inhumanity to man and humankind’s disregard for a civilized morality was made horribly apparent. The attempt to systematically eliminate all traces of a noble civilization such as the Armenian culture is another shameful moment in the history of the world. In order to guard against recurrences of such base and shameful behavior we must freely admit that these types of horrors occurred and still occur. To paraphrase “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat its failures” and failure to admit the moral failings of society will only ensure more decay.

I am humbled to be able to present and record the true story of the persecution and debasement foisted upon such a noble civilization as the Armenians’ to recognize its greatness and to warn our future generations of the intolerance and hatred that can lurk just below the surface of humanity so that we may always guard against the base instincts of inhumane behavior.”

“We want to thank Representative Kowalko for leading the efforts on passing this legislation, and the initiative taken by Mike to take the initiative to pass this resolution,” commented ANC ER Director Karine Birazian.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.


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WHEREAS, 1,500,000 men, women, and children of Armenian descent were victims of
the genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire in 1915 and thereafter; and

WHEREAS, the United States Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., stated, “Whatever crimes the most perverted instincts of the human mind can devise, and whatever refinement of persecutions and injustice the most debased imagination can conceive, became the daily misfortunes of these ‘devoted people.”; and

WHEREAS, the killing of the Armenian people was accomplished by the systematic destruction of churches, schools, libraries, treasures of art, and cultural monuments in an attempt to eliminate all traces of a noble civilization with a history of more than 3,000 years; and

WHEREAS, the Armenian genocide has been acknowledged by other countries and international bodies; and

WHEREAS, each year Armenians throughout the world honor those who perished from 1915 to 1923, and all the world’s people should commemorate the Armenian genocide because it stands as an ugly testament to man’s inhumanity to man; and

WHEREAS, it is essential to raise awareness about this undeniable chapter of world history, as this will further our understanding of the need to eliminate hatred from our own communities; and

WHEREAS, Armenian Americans living in Delaware have greatly enriched this State in business, communications and the arts;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, That April 24 is proclaimed as a day of remembrance of the Armenian genocide; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of State shall forward copies of this resolution to the President of the United States and the members of the Delaware Congressional delegation.

Photo Captions:
U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden (D-DE) with DE State Rep. John Kowalko (D-25th Dist.)

For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Karine Birazian
Email / Tel: (917) 428-1918
Armenian National Committee of America
Eastern Region
PO Box 1066, New York, NY 10040
Tel. (917) 428-1918 * Fax. (718) 478-4073 * Email.
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