35 U.S. House Members Pledge to Block Biden Administration Sale of Fighter Jets to Ankara
Jul 8, 2022
Seven Amendments to Major Defense Bill Would Stop Military Aid to Azerbaijan; Demand Return of Armenian POWs; Block F-16 Sale to Turkey
Jul 6, 2022
ANCA supports Pallone-led Congressional letter to block F-16 sale; Pappas/Bilirakis NDAA Amendments
Jul 6, 2022
Calls on Senate Appropriators to Zero-Out Military Aid to Azerbaijan; Expand Assistance to Artsakh and Armenia
Jul 2, 2022
ANCA continues campaign to expand aid to Artsakh in face of ongoing Azerbaijani threats
Jun 30, 2022
-- Sen. Menendez: “It simply makes no sense to say that U.S. assistance and training has not impacted its [Azerbaijan’s] military balance with Armenia.”

-- Rep. Schiff: “Under no circumstances should the U.S. be providing military support to such a regime […] President Biden should not have waived Section 907.”
Jun 28, 2022
ANCA Calls on Congress to Zero-Out Military Aid to Azerbaijan; Tighten Presidential Waiver Authority of Section 907
Jun 23, 2022
Enrollment Open for August 1st–5th Haroutioun & Elizabeth Kasparian Summer Academy
Jun 6, 2022
ANCA Team Concludes Working Visit to the Artsakh Republic; Expands Calls to Zero-Out Military Aid to Azerbaijan; Increase U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Artsakh
May 25, 2022
WASHINGTON, DC – After more than three years at her diplomatic post, U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, Lynne Tracy, has received a final grade of "F" from the Armenian National Committee of
May 19, 2022
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