NOTE TO THE EDITOR: Below find the text of ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian’s letter to “The Wall Street Journal” regarding efforts to misuse the U.S. legal system to inject Armenian Genocide denia
Nov 14, 2005
Antranig Kasbarian Will Discuss History, Politics and Everyday Life in Karabagh
Nov 10, 2005
Letter Addresses Turkey's Occupation of Cyprus and its Ongoing Restrictions on Christian Churches
Nov 9, 2005
-- Legislators Also Raise Concerns About Cyprus and Turkey's Ongoing Persecution of the Ecumenical Patriarch
Nov 9, 2005
WASHINGTON, DC – Senate and House Foreign Aid Committee members agreed to appropriate $75 million in assistance to Armenia and $3 million for Nagorno Karabagh, earlier today, during a conferenc
Nov 1, 2005
ANCs of Massachusetts Condemn False "First Amendment" Effort to Force the Teaching of Genocide Denial to the Commonwealth's Public School Students
Oct 31, 2005
Grassroots Letter-Writing Campaign Represents Part of Broad-Based National Effort to Secure House Floor Vote
Oct 20, 2005
Alerts Congressional Offices to Ankara's Ongoing Practice of Destroying Ancient Armenian Religious and Cultural Monuments
Oct 19, 2005
Watch News Segments Broadcast by the ABC, FOX, and WB Affiliates in House Speaker Dennis Hastert's District
Oct 14, 2005
Sunset date for the Trade Office extended
Oct 14, 2005
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